Monday, March 23, 2009

Intro post

I'm on here mainly because of my friend who hopped over here from LJ. So really, I've never had a regular blogger journal before...but I may try and keep this one up and active. Blah blah blah, more intro stuff.

Hi. My name is Jami. Today is my 30th birthday. I have a boyfriend, Scott, whom I've been with for over 51/2 years. We live together with my 6 year old daughter. I consider myself a gnostic Christian, and am very interested in Novus Spiritus.

My main hobbies are I like to write poetry, I love to play The Sims 2, playing with my daughter, and spending quality time with friends and family. I am currently on disability for a chronic mental illness and if you have an issue with that you STFU and go away please.

I do comment some...but I don't always comment if I don't have something to say. I do always read. There are times when I update 10 times a day, and sometimes once every couple of days. At times, I feel very antisocial. Every thought I have typically goes into my journals. I am brash, unapologetic and offensive. In my journal. I always show my friends, and their journals, the same respect I expect in mine. However, if you make me think too much, I will write about it in my journal. If I agree, typically I'll link or mention you by name. If I do not, I'll do you the courtesy of not linking you, but I WILL talk about it. I have friends of all sorts, liberals and conservatives, Christians and pagans. Pro life and pro choice. I am capable of showing respect for every viewpoint, even if I disagree with it.

I am borderline obsessed with the TV show Futurama. I have all 4 box sets AND Bender's Big Score, Beast with a Billion Backs and Bender's Game. I'm going to be buying Into the Wild Green Yonder soon and will probably buy anything else that comes out.

The only things I will not tolerate in a friend is homophobia, racism, and pedophilia or those who knowingly live with/have their children near pedophiles. Every one of those kind of people make me want to puke. I'd sad I even have to add that last part. Yes, I have met 2 woman, one online and one offline who did exactly that. Having been a victim of sexual abuse, I think any woman who knowingly puts their child at risk of it needs to have razor blades dipped in salt and shoved up her ass.

So yeah. That's me in a nutshell.

1 comment:

  1. Yep that's you alright. And I'm happy about that! You know, every time I see "Futurama" I think of you. Some weird mind association thing. :)
