Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Little chipmunk friend

I put out a cracker or 2 a day, anymore, because we have a little chipmunk friend. He was here last summer and this summer. I think he's a boy because I've never seen any baby chipmunks around. I think at the beginning of next month I may buy a supply of nuts and seeds for him so he can start fattening up, because I've grown to adore the little guy. I had to google it.. But this is a pretty nifty site.

I really need to get a picture of the little devil. He's so cute, and he'll go right up to the window where my cat is and just sit there and nibble his cracker. He doesn't give a *shit*. I think it's because my back porch is kind of closed off and he has several places in which to hide, so he's a cocky little thing.

I'm thinking of naming him.


  1. AWWW! So cute! We have bunnies here. They're everywhere. Every time I go out to the car in the evening they're grazing all over our parking lot. I'm always terrified I'll run over one so I drive like I'm 90 till I'm out of there. :)

  2. He's in our *back* yard, where he's safe. Our area is kind of enclosed, I mean it opens on pretty much other back yards, so it's pretty safe for the rabbits and Sherlock the chipmunk (he has a name now). :)

  3. Haha, Sherlock! Awesome. I was going to kick your ass if you called him "Cuddles" or "fluffy" or something. :)
