Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Moving sucks

Even just moving around the corner. Yes, we literally moved around the corner. Not all of our little shit is out of our old place yet.

OMG I've been sick. Like going to the emergency room sick. I've been 3x since Friday morning. Once Friday morning around 7:30am after throwing up all night and having horrible pain, once at around 6pm Saturday night and then 2am Sunday morning. My poor boyfriend's birthday, may I add. I was dehydrated *every* time! It wasn't the nausea that was the problem. I can handle nausea at home. It was the pain. The ungodly, twisting, grinding and sharp pain in my upper abdominal region. Ok, so the first time I go in, Friday morning, I get a shot of Zofran (which my fucking insurance won't cover UNLESS I get it through ER treatment) and Dilaudid (and this shit is...well, let's just say it fucks your shit up.) And I hate it. There's a difference between stoned and outer space, and this shit will send you to outer space. Not the best feeling for someone like me. Hate it. But it works. The relief is so worth it. 5 minutes later and it's like, "ahhhh". Well, I go in Friday morning, get treated, get IV fluids and go home. He tells me to come back if I need to. I'm okay. And here's where I fuck up.

My best friend and her husband come down. They're down here like once in a blue moon, and so we meet at Applebees. I order a steak, and a baked potato. And I eat mozzarella sticks. Not so brilliant for someone who was puking up everything the day before. So I'm back Saturday at 6pm and the doctor, naturally, tells me about it. My best friend took me to the ER this time and I think she got a little offended. But you know what? He was just telling me what I needed to know and what I did know and I told him I knew and should've been more careful. He was treating me like a person, not like a nut. If you have never had a diagnosed chronic mental illness, unless you are unusually empathetic, you will truly not be able to understand what I'm talking about. I respect that. He could've been a prick and said, "suffer," but he was cool and he gave me the Zofran (the brilliant anti nausea medicine, phenergan sucks compared to it) and the Dilaudid.

Okay. 2 in the morning Sunday morning. I'm in again. Dehydrated. In pain. I'm taken in and hooked up to an IV right away. They have some brilliant people in the Columbus ER right now as far as hooking up IV's go. And my veins are horrible! Small, tiny and they love to move. I got the trifecta of fucked up veins. Anyway, this time they get me in and hook me up to a liter of fluids, gave me the Zofran and the Dilaudid right away. The pain is unreal. Seriously unreal. But the Dilaudid took it down to an 8 the last time they asked (10 minutes later). Then the pain started to go down. Way down. I'm halfway asleep and visiting the Andromeda galaxy when all of a sudden I go from 2,500,000 light years away to the moment of the big bang. The nurse had loaded me with what I thought was saline, but it ended up being another Zofran and ANOTHER full dose of Dilaudid. I look at the nurse and go, "Do you know when my uncle's birthday is?" and immediately felt like a tard. It was only 2 1/2 hours later. Holy shit. I was unable to walk out of the ER that night. But I went home, slept, and have been keeping down clear liquids and toast ever since.

I'm still sick. I have some kind of really fucked up stomach bug. It's not the flu, but whatever it is, the fucker is a mean ass virus. Vicious. I'm still having bouts of diarrhea, though I'm able to keep hydrated. I haven't seen my daughter since Thursday morning. But this is a vicious bug and I would not want to see her with it. Holy mother of God.

So the boyfriend's been on his own.

Another reason I've been away? I've had no internet. Fucking comcast has to bring me a USB capable modem, doesn't leave the installation disk for the hardware, go to the local office, they don't support it anymore! I have to buy a $30 USB to Ethernet adaptor. Good thing I know how to bitch, because I got $40 taken off my Comcast bill. So there. NOW I FINALLY HAS INTERNET! May the world rejoice! What an ordeal!

I'm tired of the inside of hospital rooms. Thank God I didn't have to stay...but ER's and hospitals and IV's and hospital beds and pain and sick and dizziness...over it already! Please let me feel better soon!

I'm going to see my Dr. and ask to see a urologist because I think there may be something fucked up with my kidneys or my bladder. Having this pain reoccur every few months...it's not normal. My brain gives me enough issues, my body doesn't need to crap out on me too.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Interesting, makes you think.

The notion of God as the Creator is wrong, claims a top academic, who believes the Bible has been wrongly translated for thousands of years.

This may piss off the people who ardently claim, despite any kind of irrefutable logic, that the Earth is only 5,000 years old. I mean, if you have faith, why do you have to reconcile it to a timeline? Why 5,000 years? I don't recall the Bible itself actually giving a creation date.

Honestly, I find nothing earth shattering in the above claim. The Earth could have already been here, but life wasn't. Isn't God supposed to be a creator of life? Translations of an ancient document over time (The Bible)...well, a lot of the original intended meaning was probably lost. Think about it. Even if God did write it, you really think we could get it right? There are problems in translation at times even when you speak the same language as the person you're trying to understand. Hebrew was translated into Greek, Latin, a fuckload of other languages and *finally* English. And then King James had to have his own version. Then there is the whole Catholic/Protestant thing.

I just don't think we'll ever fully get it, this side of life.

Any thoughts? Feel free to say anything. I love hearing from everyone else's viewpoints.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I peed with joy

It started with this and quickly sploded into an internet clusterfuck.

WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS? A new level of stupid has been attained. And now, there are T-shirts even!

But the funny really begins with this story.

Topless Robot is made of awesome!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

And now I'm kind of backish.

A few days ago I just got out of the hospital. AGAIN.


I'm seriously getting over seeing the inside of a fucking hospital room. And I'm still not feeling great. Hence, the rant below. I'm feeling extremely weak, and am currently riding the red river with Auntie Flo.

The next idiot who crosses my path will die a death of 1,000 stomps to their stupid face.

Aaaaand if having a UTI and Aunt Flo's lovely visit isn't enough......it's looking like Homegirl Mania's here to hang out.

Oh boy.

I just hope the crash doesn't come before Sunday, damnit. I have a 6 year anniversary coming up!

In other news...I'm kind of making an experimental rant journal. Not too sure how much I'll use it. Especially since I can't code Blogger layout to save my ass. It's called BitchPuppy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And now, finally, back to the show!

Fuck, I haven't written in this thing in forever!

One of the fucked up things about staying at home all day...pretty much every day, is that I get tired of the god damned phone. I think it's because of my ex-husband. Now he's not the typical asshole stalker kind of ex. He's a great guy. He pays his child support every month. He is a loving and involved father who takes his daughter to school every day. I will always care about him as a person and as the father of my Boo. But he does tend to call a lot. A lot. I mean in upwards of 5x/day sometimes. It's like, I love ya man, but dude, that's way too fucking much! No wonder the phone rings and I'm like, "Fuck!" before I even know who's calling just because I'm tired of the phone ringing.

Boo is in first grade now. First. Grade. My baby girl, in first grade. It doesn't seem possible. I miss her so much during the day. It's quite an adjustment for her too, but I think she'll end up enjoying herself. She comes home tired.

Aunt Flo's back 5 FUCKING DAYS EARLY and she brought Crampy, Moody, and Bitchy. Hopefully Weepy will stay the fuck home. That's all I fuckin need. And hopefully I'll be done by the end of the week. Because I need sex. And I can't get it because the Red Sea flows from my vagina and my uterus feels like it wants to cave in on itself. I got a knockout cramp from my ovary this month that had me doubled over. It only lasted about 5 seconds, but wow. For the first couple of days I could've gladly heated a spoon with a lighter and scooped out my girly organs myself if I thought the pain would go away.

Going to see my 2 best friends this weekend. And there will be cheesecake! Seeing as I'm flowing, I can't get laid this week. And her cheesecake is as good as. Seriously. It's sex on a plate. I want it. Now. I don't even care what kind she makes. I just want it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The little kitten that has been running around here has been declawed.

Kitten. DECLAWED. Outside.

Next time I see his owner I'm going to punch her. Hard. Or not, but I WILL tell her what I think of her. Which is that she's a stupid and selfish bitch. I am against declawing in general. In most civilized countries, it's illegal. It's mutilation. Most people don't even know what it is. They don't simply take a cat's claws. Imagine being annoyed with your fingernails, so you amputate your finger up to the first or second knuckle. That is what thousands of people do to their cats because they are too lazy to train them to a scratcher. SORRY. That's how I feel. It took me a grand total of 2 farking days to train my cat to the scratcher. Not. That. Hard.

On top of that, this kitten is *always* outside. Because his crackhead owners can't be messed to bother with him. I fed him siome. He was very hungry. Then I felt his claws and my annoyance with his owners turned to outrage. This kitten is outside with no way to defend himself. He can't even hunt.

Poor baby. And people wonder why I think most of the human race is destined to devolve into poo flinging monkeys.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Little chipmunk friend

I put out a cracker or 2 a day, anymore, because we have a little chipmunk friend. He was here last summer and this summer. I think he's a boy because I've never seen any baby chipmunks around. I think at the beginning of next month I may buy a supply of nuts and seeds for him so he can start fattening up, because I've grown to adore the little guy. I had to google it.. But this is a pretty nifty site.

I really need to get a picture of the little devil. He's so cute, and he'll go right up to the window where my cat is and just sit there and nibble his cracker. He doesn't give a *shit*. I think it's because my back porch is kind of closed off and he has several places in which to hide, so he's a cocky little thing.

I'm thinking of naming him.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Finally through the worst of it

Though fuck me almighty I was SICK! Oh, and that's not EVEN the best part. I was hospitalized, this couple of weeks, a grand total of three times. Twice at Columbus, once at Franklin. Because nobody could seem to come to a general fucking consensus (even in one hospital, according to Columbus!) as to WHAT THE FUCK WAS ACTUALLY WRONG WITH ME?

Blergh. Finally got it pinned down, to what amounts, AGAIN, to a severe urinary tract infection! So I'm now on the right medicine and I'm finally keeping things down, because shit you not, I could keep nothing down. I'm following up w/my family doctor as soon as I can get in (which will be 2-3 weeks for sure, and it SUCKS but there's not one fucking thing I can do about it.) But yeah. I'm just got through a day of staying at Mom and Dad's (I stayed a night, then came home for a day, then went back for another day and had to come home today, because though I love my Mom and Dad, they drive me batshit. I HATE getting mad at Mom because I always feel so horrible about it, and Dad anymore too, I just don't want to fucking argue. I don't know how long I have with them. And yet, I stay longer than a day and I want to beat my own brains in with a blender.

So that's pretty much been my two weeks in a nutshell. No debit card because Centra sucks at relaying information to their fucking Cardholder services. I should've been referred to a different number to request a new card and they told me they could when they couldn't...it was all a bunch of shit. Long story short, with a quick escalation to the supervisor, my card is getting FedExed to me at their cost. Damn straight.

If only I could get such satisfaction with my health now, knock on wood, I'm feeling healthier than I have in almost 3 weeks. Fuck!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Biting the Big Cheese... Or; How Many Celebrities Can Kick The Bucket in a Single Week

...and 3 of them are actually kind of sad. The last one I'm going to mention, which is the one EVERYONE can't stop talking about...well, the vultures can have him for all I give a fuck.

Farrah Fawcett: I think I came along *just* after her fame had fallen off, so I was never a huge fan, but I think she was a wonderful person. I did watch the special she put on, and gained a big admiration for a strong, resilient woman who just didn't put up with any bullshit. She kicked much ass and took many names. Even after going through those treatments and suffering horrible pain, she was still able and willing to hand the tabloid people their own asses. I may not have known her through her work, but I started checking her out a lot more and what I did find out about her was really nothing but admirable. You will be missed, Farrah. I actually cried a little when I found out this amazing woman had finally gone to her final home. At least there is no more pain, girlfriend. She's now with the real angels, kicking ass in heaven.

Ed McMahon: Didn't really know much about him either, but he seemed to have a lot of crap handed to him late in life. He seemed to be a pretty funny dude. Again, a useful member of the human race. But he was old. Not a real surprise.

Billy Mays: Dude, seriously? The infomercial dude! Never again will we hear this guy trying to sell us OxyClean or the Awesome Auger. I'm a little sad. Like when the movie guy...whatzisname...Don LaFontaine. (Gotta love the internet). Infomercials will never be the same. I wonder what he's pitching in heaven?

...and because I can't avoid mentioning this waste, this being "dead celebrities week"...Michael Jackson. Even if he *didn't* get his kicks touching little boys, this guy was a douche. Yeah, he could sing and dance, like 20 years ago. The last 20 years, though, what did he do besides fuck up his face, dress his children up in masks and dangle babies out of windows? And WHAT are they thinking, leaving his children with his 79 year old mother? They do know that his father is abusive, I mean duh? Isn't that why the guy was fucked up in the first place? Bloody hell. Stupid. I'm sorry. Just because the guy is dead doesn't make him any less of a douche.

So flame me. I don't give a fuck. My journal, my opinion, my business.

Friday, June 5, 2009

R.I.P. Aunt Tomi

At around 5am this morning, my aunt went to her final rest. She was an accomplished artist and a vivacious personality, before 20 years ago when an inoperable brain tumor stole the life she had. With aggressive chemo and radiation, her cancer eventually went away, but the damage the tumor and the treatment did to her was irreversible. She lived 20 years, the longest living survivor of that particular type of brain cancer.

I'm not sad that she's gone, because the Tomi we all knew had gone a long time ago. She is at peace now with her maker and home where she belongs. Goodbye, Aunt Tomi. You are loved always, and remembered for the loving person you have always been.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I fucking knew something like this would happen

My cousin is going back to prison.

Because his mother is a raging cunt who needs to go into a dark corner and die somewhere.

She called the police and lied to them and had him arrested. He wasn't getting his disability money fast enough for her and she was tired of taking care of him.

If I ever see that fucking gaping slutwad anywhere on the street, she may as well call the hospital in advance and book her a room because I am going to pound the everliving shit out of her. She'll wish she was dead by the time I'm done.

My poor little buddy. God, it kills me that there is nothing I can do. I'm bawling. I hate very few people, but I hate that old baseball glove looking vagina face.

I'd LIKE the fucking whorebag to read this. I'd like nothing more than for her to say a. fucking. word. to me. She's not a mother. She's never been a mother. She's ALWAYS used those kids. First to get back at my uncle after the divorce, and now she's just using him because he brings in money for her.

She's a waste of space, a completely and totally useless human being. Karma is a bitch though, and she will get hers. She will want to have a relationship with her son one of these days and if he's smart, he'll turn his back and walk away and let her live in the filth that is her life.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I would like to stab out my uterus with a dull spoon.

The red tide is a week early.


Along with Aunt Flo, comes the cousins Bitchy, Crampy, Moody and Weepy. Uncle Bloaty doesn't come too often, but he's here this month. Just to add to the fun.

What's the point of me even HAVING a period? After Boo was born, I got the band aid operation. I can no longer spawn. I guess since I still have a working system, my stupid uterus still thinks, "Hey, gotta prepare to have a baby once a fucking month!"

Why is it once a month? Isn't that a little overkill? So Eve told Adam to eat the damn apple. For that, we get horrible pain in childbirth (thank you, science, for epidurals!) and to bleed out our cootchy once a month and "the man shall be your lord and master". For a week at a fucking time. Adam got...toil and work all day in the fields where thorns and briars pricked him (only to come home for his wife to slave over him every night you know, the Lord and Master thing, then he gets to prick her...) What a bunghole!

And don't get me started on the snake. The snake got off pretty damn easy. He lost his limbs. I'd make a bargain with God that if he would take my period away I'd cut off my arms and legs myself.

My cramps are so fucking bad this month. My mood is worse. I'm going to steal a saying from my vegetable killing friend here and say that I wish I could stick the entire human race into a blender.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I so suck at updating the Blogger

Maybe because since around the 15th of the month, I have been in the 3VIL B1TCH MOOD OF DOOM and the fact that I just *had* the red carpet out for Aunt Flo on the 7th so (OMG I HOPE) it has nothing to do with that.


Things are going GOOD right now, damnit!!

Somebody needs to rip my arm off and beat me with it, seriously.

But I have developed a rather large obsession lately with the show "Escape to Chimp Eden" on Animal Planet. Friday nights at 10pm. WATCH IT!


I've ganked this from this article on the animal planet website because seriously, I can't describe the show any better than this.

Deep in the heart of South Africa, the Jane Goodall Institute's Chimp Eden Sanctuary is a place of rebirth and renewal for more than two dozen chimps, most of whom suffered horrible lives in human captivity.

Sanctuary Director Eugene Cussons has traveled throughout Africa at great personal risk to give these chimps the chance of a meaningful and fulfilling life. For Eugene, however, the dream extends beyond the sanctuary itself. He is convinced that through intense hands-on rehabilitation, he can teach these remarkable animals the skills they need to survive in the wild.

The success of his approach is on display at every turn. Chimps who never-before climbed a tree now swing effortlessly from branch to branch, high above the ground. Chimps who once survived on table scraps and garbage now feast on wild figs, crack nutshells with rocks to get to the meat inside and pick through tall grass for the ripest shoots. Chimps who spent years alone and isolated in cramped cages now thrive in solid and stable family groups.

Every day, Eugene moves closer to his ultimate goal — returning the strongest and most skilled chimps back to the rainforest where they belong.

I love this show! It really shows the worst side of human nature, and the best side too. Plus it's so rewarding to get to see these wild animals be who they were meant to be. And I have a slight crush on Eugene Cussons.

I get crushes on the most non-traditional people to get crushes on. People like Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp and pretty much any major Hollywood personality...I don't know. I've never been one to go gaga, so to speak, over people that, to me, really seem to have the personality of a dishmop. People I notice have to have something different. Take another one. Dr. Michio Kaku.

He's a theoretical physicist, co-founder of the string field theory and does a lot of documentary TV shows on the history and science channels. His charisma and energy is amazing.

I LOVE this guy.

See what I mean?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Transforming klutz to a superpower

I have come to the conclusion that walking with boxes in my arms is now beyond the limits of what I can do. First of all I had way too many boxes. I was up the stairs and made a wrong turn and slammed my head into the corner of the wall. I heard a crack, saw stars and actually cried a little, it hurt that bad.

Now I have a marble sized bump on the top/right of my forehead. And I took preliminary Excedrin to ward off a little of what will be the headache from the darkest pits of hell I'm probably going to experience later today.

I told my boyfriend I'm glad I didn't have to go to the ER. How would that look? First I "fall down the steps" a couple of weeks ago and now I"m in for "running into the wall!" You know they'd be asking me if my boyfriend was beating me. *snort* Who, this big bad sweetheart? Impossible!

I'm just one of those rare people who is the living embodiment of Murphy's Law. I have transformed klutz into a damn superpower.

Maybe that's my key to world domination.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Vegetable Assassin...

Display it with pride.

This has never happened before

I believe I may like a movie, and it's novella, equally.

Apt Pupil the novella by Stephen King and Apt Pupil the film.

The important thing, I think, to remember...is that if you look it as being 2 seperate stories, that each stand up on their own merit. For instance, the movie ends WAY different than the story. I actually liked the ending of the movie...equally as well as the story. But the story is more involved, and begins when the boy is much younger. The characters in the movie and the film (other than a few minor characters like the guidance counselor and the man in the hospital bed, they edited the hell out of those characters) were recognizable as being the same characters.

Todd's character (the boy)...just cast perfectly in the movie, only as he would've been if he were older. I think the characters in the story, and in the film, were equally dark. The story character Todd was maybe a little more disturbing, considering how young he was when it started. The old man...Dussander, was another perfectly cast role.

I think the storyline in the movie is slightly weaker than the book, simply because Stephen King writes very involved characters and it's hard to translate that to film sometimes. But the ending of the movie sealed it. It's really hard to explain. You'd just have to read the novella, in the book "Different Seasons" by Stephen King. And watch the movie. Then you'd know what I mean.

There are significant differences in the plot and a lot of creative liberties taken. The ending for the story was perfect for the story and the ending for the film was perfect for the film. And I like them both.

Another unpleasant side effect of Aunt Flo's visit

Warning: Lots of sex shit mentioned. If you don't like to read about sex, don't read any further. I'm not cutting it because...well, you don't need a reason. So there.

It seems every fucking month, when Aunt Flo shows up, I become uncontrollably horny. I have a high sex drive anyway, but during shark week, it's like "I wanna fuck now x 5,000".

And yet I hate period sex. I will not have period sex. Non-period sex is messy enough. Besides, the first few days of my rag time, there's a mini massacre in my pants. The red river doth flow out of my vagina. Making sex of the peen and vag kind impossible. In my universe.

Which leads me to the subject of masturbation. During the week of the red tide, I must masturbate. Because if I don't, I'll end up raping my poor boyfriend. Which, normally, he wouldn't mind, but he doesn't think much of period sex either. It's happened before, on accident, when Aunt Flo decides to show up during morning hard on time and before I get up to discover her red carpet has been laid out.

Thank God for toys that are easily cleaned off.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thoughts on friendship

I don't know about you, but there are relatively few people in my life, (my offline life, rather) that I consider "in my circle". Everybody has a circle. Family members you are very close to, your dearest friends who've become like family. The people that feel essential to you.

And now here's mine.

Mom - Wow. There's not enough good things in the world to say about this woman. She's beautiful, loving and always there when you need to talk. She's a great listener and truly one of my best friends. She's patient, kind, has great advice (and you will hear it whether or not you want to). And as I've gotten older, I realize that's not always a bad thing.

Dad - Both him and Mom have stuck by my side through every bad time I've ever, loved me through everything I've ever done. And have done this with all their kids. Even when they don't agree with us, (and Dad's good at not agreeing but then again, that's where I get it from), we know we are loved. Dad has always fought for me and protected me, and I've always felt loved. I will always be thankful I had this man for my primary male role model.

Mommy - I know, confusing. Mom and Dad=biological parents, but they are Mom and Dad and have earned that title. Mommy is my biological mother, who also, has earned that title. :) Her life hasn't always been...easy. She'll tell you that. She's made mistakes and will admit that to anyone too. But I've always known she loves me, and she has always been there when I've needed her. I'm so glad she's happy now with someone who treats her with respect.

Aunt Cathi - She was (and is) the quintessential awesome aunt. She was there with me when I was little, took me out places with her, we had a lot of fun. She was also fiercely protective of me, and I pretty much thought she walked on water. She's a very loyal person to her family, and I learned a lot about loyalty from her, just by watching her. I love her very much.

Boo - This is my daughter. On Blogger, which is public, she is known simply as Boo. This child is my everything. She is very smart, and the most loving little girl I have ever known. She's always wanting hugs and kisses. Which is wonderful. Because of her huge vocabulary, she'll end up saying something that sounds so grown up for a 6 year old. And sometimes she doesn't get why people laugh. She's a little girly girl, and loves being a girl. Pink, purple and yellow are her favorite colors. She's everybody's girl, all of us love her so much.

Scott - He is my boyfriend of 5 1/2 years and he is so amazing to me. He is very patient (whereas I am not). When he's upset, he gets quiet. I do not. He's got a beautiful heart, he's loving and kind. I do not believe he has ever intentionally hurt my feelings. I'm not saying he hasn't hurt my feelings, but I don't believe he's ever done it with intent to. I know he loves me. He adores my daughter, and Boo adores him. I can not think of anyone else I'd rather spend my life with.

Bette- My ex mother in law. Yes, you heard me right. If there was ever a candidate for sainthood, it would be this woman. She's literally one of the sweetest people on the planet. She's one of those people who can restore your faith in the human race. Everyone who knows her, even a little, that I've run across, says the same thing to me. Every time. "Oh, Bette, yes, such a nice lady." I love her!


Missy - Our bond was pretty much instantaneous. She yells over at me from across the lunchroom, "Hey! Come sit over here!" and I'm like o_0 because that had *never* happened to me before. We were instant friends. There was a while there in high school where either I was over at her house or she was over at mine on the weekends. Popcorn, Beavis and Butt-head marathons, various board games we'd get obsessed with, waking up to Beavis and Butt-head of a morning thanks to the innovative invention of the 8 hour VHS tape and cinnamon pancakes in the morning. She's been there through some of the worst of my mental illness, she saw her best friend hospitalized some 3-4x a year at one point. I was there the Christmas week she came home from college and her parents were splitting up. Or, she was at my house. Gotta love the peace and quiet at Mom and Dad's! And it doesn't matter how long we go without talking to each other. The moment I get on the phone with her, the same feelings are still there.

Patty - This woman is amazing. We actually did meet in high school, but she was a very different person back then. I was later to find out there was a reason for this. We remet when a mutual friend got together with the both of us. We clicked instantly, and have been soul twins ever since. We've done some wild shit back in the day. I'd spend the night at her apartment and we'd get smashed. One time, I projectile vomited all over...her, the wall, the living room carpet, the hall carpet, the bathroom floor, the *top* part of the toilet before I finally made a bullseye into where it belonged. Today, we are both mothers and need to talk to each other between every other day and every 2 days. We share almost everything with each other. She also is responsible for bringing me together with the love of my life.

I think I have a pretty small circle. And I'm content with it. These are people who've always been there for me, have never purposely hurt me, and who love me no matter what. I will always be grateful for all of them.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Saturday night out with my cousin

...was pretty fun. Got to squishle some kittens that one of their many cats had before we left. They were adorable! One thing I could respect about his mom if I could like her is that she seems to like cats just about as much as I do. In fact, she's pretty much advanced along the path of the crazy cat lady. That will not sway me from my destiny, only I'll...spay and neuter my cats because I just think it's wrong not to.

My cousin chose a chinese buffet. Another thing I love (and always have) about this kid is that he will say highly inappropriate things in public and it can be pretty hilarious. We sat down, then grabbed our plates and went up to the buffet. Everything was labled but one or 2 things. I'm looking at something and I'm like, "What's this?" and he goes, "Probably cat," which I just bust out laughing. So then I grab the teriyaki chicken and he says, "Cat on a stick?" Then I say, "No, I think it smells more like dog."

Of course, we both knew we weren't eating cat or dog...that's kind of the way the kid is though. It doesn't really matter who's around either. Like the restaurant employees, for instance. Which, me being evil, made me snicker that much harder. And sometimes, instead of being embarassed, it's more fun to roll with it. My boyfriend looked like he wanted to fall into the floor and disappear into an alternate universe, but I think he had fun.

Then we had to take him back home, and hugged some more kittens before we left. I hope to make this a regular thing. Take him out every other weekend or so.

My daughter has a doctor's appointment today at 3:15 because she said she felt like going to school today. I'm just hoping something can be done to get rid of this freaking cough.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I've managed to add a shitload more songs to my playlist.

IN. LOVE. with Playlist.com.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones!

I now have a greater variety, though I have an obvious preference. I love playing music while playing Pogo or randomly surfing. It rules. And I've tried internet radio. Maybe I'm weird, but I'm not so much into it, because I don't like to listen to songs that I don't like. And a lot of times they'll play shit I can't stand.

And I rediscovered the hot deadly satanic going-to-hell just for listening to it love that is Type-O-Negative. Haven't heard them for *years*. I may listen to their newer stuff sometime, but for now I just picked my favorites from back in the day.

Why yes, the Futurama theme does kick off the beginning of my playlist. Which proves only the fact that I am a huge nerd.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Miranda Lambert's Gunpowder and Lead: A Life Lesson

Crosspost from my MS blog

County road 233, under my feet
Nothin' on this white rock but little ol' me
I've got two miles till, he makes bail
And if I'm right we're headed straight for hell

I'm goin' home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight, well now he's got one
And he ain't seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face and he shook me like a rag doll
Don't that sound like a real man?
I'm gonna show him what a little girl's made of
Gunpowder and lead

Well it's half past ten, another six pack in
And I can feel the rumble like a cold black wind
He pulls in the drive, gravel flies
He don't know what's waitin' here this time

Hey I'm goin' home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight well now he's got one
And he ain't seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face and he shook me like a rag doll
Don't that sound like a real man?
I'm gonna show him what a little girl's made of
Gunpowder and lead

His fist is big but my gun's bigger
He'll find out when I pull the trigger

I'm goin' home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight well now he's got one
And he ain't seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face and he shook me like a rag doll
Don't that sound like a real man?
I'm gonna show him what a little girl's made of
Gunpowder and,
Gunpowder and lead

Gunpowder and lead, yeah



Seriously? I believe every woman who's ever been abused by some douchey little wannabe punk ass motherfucker should take this song to heart. I wonder how many abusers have been shot in the face after this song was written?

The world is a better place without them. Sorry, that's how I feel. You raise your hand, you got it coming. Any man, hell, any PERSON ever raise their hand to hit me...well, they'd be lucky if I JUST shot them.

I'll tell you this much. I could be the nastiest, rankest woman, weighing 600 pounds, ugly as all hell even...and I would never, EVER, let a man raise his hand to me. I think I'd send said scumbag, spineless asshole to the hospital minus a few parts. And I promise...they'd be things that person would miss. Gotta love the Kill Bill movies. Also another amazing inspiration for angry women everywhere.

I still think it has to do with self esteem. There is no way one can value themselves as a human being, and allow people to treat them worse than they would a dog. I think that's why I have never attracted guys who are abusive. I am not the worlds most attractive woman, but I have always attracted guys who are at the very least, respectful to me, and would never raise a hand to me. Of course, reading the above, you can also guess why. You're looking at the woman who stood between one of her best friends and a drunk husband and got hit in the face TWICE without moving. Then I punched him back and shoved his ass out of the room. That shit don't fly with me.

I'm not afraid to get hit. But it would only happen one time. Then you'd better prepare to lose your two best friends. The ones in your pants.

We all know who I'm talking about here. But since this is a public blog entry, I'm not going to give his name. He's linked in a Friends Only entry a while back about a billion and one times though on my MySpace blog. Wannabe punk thumbsucking douche. Thinks he's a gangsta. Ha! If he ever met a real gangsta, he'd run home to his mommy with a load in his pants. The brown squishy kind. Speaking of his mother and loads, I wish she had swallowed that one.

If you REALLY want to know who I'm talking about, add me on MySpace, and go back a few blog entries. http://www.myspace.com/tiger_pixie

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I am in love with Blogger Dashboard

...because I am totally following this guy on it.

If I didn't already have a wonderful boyfriend...who would totally be hurt, I would fuck his brains out. I don't know why either, I mean, he's not normally the type I go for. Actually, I'm normally more sexually attracted to women. I have a list of women I'd like to do the beast with 2 backs with. A huge list. Men, on the other hand...well the list isn't that big. Congratulations, buddy.

I'm pretty sure I'd have to double wrap him though. Condom wise. Because he's boinked a lot of ladies. A lot. Makes you think...

Yeah. I'd do him.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I hurted myself on Wednesday.

Hence my conspicuous absence over the past few days. Wednesday morning, like a retard, I go down the steps and I don't turn on the light. Well, I count down. There are 14 steps down. At step 10, I trip over my own feet, I slam my back into the railing, and land hard on my shoulder. 15 minutes later my back and shoulder are in a world of angry flaming pain. I have to have Robert take me to the ER after he takes my daughter to school. They did x-rays...everything was fine, but I had inflammation of the shoulder and back area. They gave me Lortab...and that shit is genius. Absolute heaven in a pill. I still gave about half of them to Mommy though because 1) I know I'm not going to need 12 of them and 2) I hate having anything potentially habit forming in the house. I've had bad experiences coming off of a habit forming medication (and no, I wasn't abusing it.) So yeah.

So I spent Wed-Fri in incredible pain (and was silently thanking God that this was Bette and Robert's weekend to keep Boo because I felt like the pits of hell. I'm feeling much better today.

And now, I love you all, but fuck you. I'm going to play TS2.

Can somebody tell me

...what the bloody hell is wrong with my laptop screen? Is this going to get worse? I'm calling Dell Support in the meantime, probably on Monday unless they are open today. (Ha!)

...and apparently I can't screencap the thing. It's a little red line running all the way down my screen.

On the upside, The Sims 2 runs amazing on my computer, even though I don't exactly have the right processor to run it. *cue twilight zone music*. Running 2 expansion packs right now, University and Pets...and I'm slightly afraid to install Seasons. Even though I own it. I am not complaining though. :)

But if I can, I'm going to find out wtf is up with this red line.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My friend Patty and I agree

I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy.

Farts are hilarious. So are burps.

So when my boyfriend stopped up the toilet today after taking a massive shit, I was rolling on the floor.

But there is a limit.

My darling boyfriend ate some salsa tonight and has been having rank salsa burps all night long.

By the way, the tags should've been a clue.

Love ya!

I have to pimp this...

Massive shitload of weird icons posted by evilgrins. Here and here. Some of them are probably NOT work/kid safe.

And some are real flashy. I have at least one person with epilepsy on my list who may not want to click the 2 above. I think the one below is safe but you may want to have someone check it out to be sure.

They are a HUGE collection, so may not be dial up safe. I am SO glad I have cable internet.

Now I'm pimping them mainly because I had to make a comment on this *one*. I'm going to warn you, that it is extremely sexually graphic.

I shit you not. Extremely.

Right here, if you click the link, is a link to a icon of someone masturbating and ejaculating on a Barbie doll.

For some reason I found that very, very disturbing...but I couldn't look away for like, a minute or so. It was oddly hypnotizing...but disturbing. Still, most of them are interesting. And I like weird shit. Just...maybe not so much with the Barbie doll thing.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Live Journal Writers Block Question

Who has it easier—men or women? Why or why not?
Submitted By rona_emo

As you all know, I am female. I'm just speaking to the start of a relationship here. Nothing else. In that regards, I believe that women have it a HELL of a lot easier. At least I have. I've never had to be the person to ask a guy out. When I was 18-20, I was on a medication called Zyprexa. If you want to know what it does, there's a nifty little search engine called Google. Use it. And yes, that *is* what I was on it for. :) One of the nasty little side effects of that medication was bloating and severe weight gain. I ballooned to an incredible (for my 5'3" frame) 220lbs and wearing size 22 pants before I was taken off of it at the end of my 20th year. I lost 110lbs in a little under a year. *Just* from going off that medication.

Even at that size, I was still getting approached for dates and relationships. And the guys I did date were reasonably good guys. Marty was commitment phobic. Not that I wanted a commitment. He was a good guy, and we parted on good, but permanent terms. I had one FWB. If memory serves me correctly, his name was Scotty? LOL. It was a decent experience. Not great (but then again, I can't compare ANYONE before my Scott *to* Scott because they all sucked compared to --yeah, I'll leave it at that.) I think I was really only doing it with him (the FWB, not Scott lol) to up my experience level. I know that sounds horrible, but you just had to understand the way it worked with us. We both were just out for sex. I didn't want a relationship at the time. I don't remember how it ended, I think it was just one of those things where you lose touch with someone? Meh, not important.

I didn't date seriously until I was 21 with Robert, and then Scott. Scott's and my relationship started out a little different in that I knew a little about him from what Patty told me. I did call him first, but I didn't ask him out first. He asked me out, and I told him to just come over and I'd make something. And if you've known me for a long time, you'll know how *that* night ended up. :)

But I have massively digressed. The point is, in relationships, women almost *always* have the upper hand. There may be exceptions. I'm not saying everyone's experience is the same. I have just never had an experience where I've had to actively seek a relationship. And let's face it. That's hard to do. At least it would be to me. I've never been the type of person to actively seek out even friendships, much less relationships. Most of the time, IRL, people come to me.

Men are expected to be active pursuers. At clubs they are expected to approach the women. And the guy who may be just a little awkward, or nervous, you see those poor guys get shot down all the time. In my experience, it's those guys who normally always make the most devoted and loving partners. He's the guy that hates dancing but who will dance with you anyway, even though you both look like a couple of ducks waddling together on the dance floor. (Who said I can't dance?) Seriously, though. I can't. But I love to try.

When the hell did one question turn into long ass stroll down memory lane? Well at least I've enjoyed the trip.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stuff To Do

1) Pick up the living room
2) Take a shower
3) Do hair/makeup
4) Get dressed in sexy (for me) new shirt and skirt
5) Go out to Johnny Carinos with boyfriend tonight.

Thought I'd start doing this, and ya gotta love the tag name.

White Horse by Taylor Swift

Yet another Taylor Swift video. I know, a lot of people really don't like Taylor Swift. Including my dear boyfriend. But he does like this song. I think she's awesome now, but I think she's really going to be something else once she matures a little bit and gets more of an adult perspective. I love the fact that she writes her own songs. And they're well written songs. Some of them are a bit on the naive side, but they're unique. She has a talent that will serve her well in years to come.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009




I actually got something useful out of a Twitter Post! Did the world end? But yeah, woofiegrrl, you're a genius.

I'm starting to realize, more and more as I get older, that I am a huge nerd.

Case in point? I've been watching the Futurama TV episodes lately, and the DVD commentary is so interesting. I like the ones with Ken Keeler, Billy West, and John DiMaggio the most. Especially when Billy or John will let rip with Fry, or the Professor, or Bender. And also all the inside stuff that sometimes passes too fast to see that they'll call attention to and I'll be able to pause and check it out.

I've also been watching the Beavis and Butthead movie with commentary and have come to another startling realization. Mike Judge is a bit of a douchebag (but a funny one) and I have a huge girl crush on Yvette Kaplan. Not in the "I'd do her" way, but more along the lines of someone you could just reach out and hug to death. She's adorable. She's the only person in a commentary that I have ever listened to that I felt that, if I met her, we could be instant friends. Not like it'll ever happen, but still.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Holy poop on a stick

SO many bad, bad words came to my mind immediately upon viewing this travesty of outright bullshit. I wanted to voice my thoughts and opinions in an articulated, well-thought out form. Unlike the makers of this video.

But coherent thoughts are not possible after viewing this garbage. Not when the only thoughts in your head are "HOW? HOW? HOW?"

That's literally all I could think. HOW are "they" infringing on my rights? HOW are :"they" affecting my ability to raise my child? (At least she will have compassion and love if she had anything...yes, ANYTHING, to tell me) HOW did this rectal waste find it's way into my brain?

Congratulations, NOFM. You have succeeded in eradicating my ability to want to think for myself anymore. I may now become another right wing crazy Christian holding pictures of dead babies while picketing abortion clinics while my own child has the same mind numbing brain killing bullshit crammed down her throat by a charismatic preacher named Timothy Miracle who eventually becomes a cult leader and we all die a horrible death while stockpiling arms because JESUS IS COMING!

Ok...no. Just no.

I posted all of the above in 2 comments on YouTube.

And now, that I'm feeling so good, my poor Boo is sick.

But...poor Boo, I believe, has an ear infection. It's been awhile since she's had one...but luckily I got her a Dr's appointment today w/Dr. Mernitz...if she isn't called to deliver a baby or something. She's on call. I hate to say this, but I hope no babies are born right this minute. Worse comes to worse we'll take her in tommorrow at walk-in early in the morning. But I guess she came home from school, Bette said (it's their weekend and they normally keep her Thurs-Sat or Sun on their weekends) that she was crying because her ear hurt so bad. And that's never a good sign for her.

I don't think she has anything contagious, so Bette and I agreed that she could stay over there. Because with her cousins over there, she's NOT going to want to come home. Unless it turns out she is contagious, but honestly, I would've gotten something, Scott may have, I KNOW Mom and Dad would've come down with something if Boo had anything communicable. And of course, if she decides she does want her mommy, she can come home anytime. She knows this too. And it happens more when she's sick. But she's really missed her cousins, and especially loves Corinna...and Grandma is always fun. Unless she's really hurting and sick, she'll want to stay with Grandma and the kids. I'm okay either way. The great thing about my family, and Robert's family and Scott's family, even, is that this child is very well loved by everyone. She is a very loving and sweet little girl. She's really my pride and joy.

I'm out of here. Have to call the doctor's office at 3 to make sure Dr. Mernitz is still in.

Edit: Boo's back at home and we ended up taking her to PromptMed. The pain was too much. Boo was screaming and crying so they gave her some ear numbing stuff. She has an ear infection and was prescribed zythromyacin. It's a very strong antibiotic so hopefully it'll help.

Woo Hoo!

Aunt Flo came today. I think she had a fight with her daughters last night telepathically or something because I started feeling MUCH better since about 10:00pm on. Moody, Bitchy, Weepy AND Crampy left in a huff It was like a huge weight was suddenly lifted off my chest and I could breathe again. T'was a glorious feeling!

And she was considerate enough to wait until about 9:30 this morning to slowly announce her appearance. It really was quite graceful. And as a favor to you, that fanciful description will be the only description that exists.

I'm so happy I want to just go do something tonight or tommorrow night with my boyfriend! We both deserve it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I absolutely love this guy

I don't care how many times I watch this shit, it never fails to crack me up. Jeff Dunham is a genius.

Find the relevance and win the internet! :) I own both his DVD's and may end up buying his Christmas special sometime.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Another whiny, emo, never ending PMS related entry.

Feel absolutely free to skip. And let me start out by saying that I'll be fine. I've called the nurse at Centerstone (used to be Quinco and have been my mental health providers for years) and hopefully she'll get back to me. I have some questions and want some answers and I'm sure I'll get them. I trust this office. They've always been great.

If I don't stop crying, I may have to declare myself legally insane. This is the PMS girl talk for the guys out there who want to skip, or read, or whatever. Because I'm posting it for the world to see! MWAHAHAHAHAH!

OH MY GOD. The mood from hell. So for those of you who know, and those who don't...I've had a wacked out period for the past 3 1/2 months. So now that my body has decided to be more normal, my Aunt Flo's Daughters, Bitchy, Weepy and Moody. Crampy is nowhere in sight, the bitch...but the other three are sure as hell making up for her absence! Especially Weepy.

I have been crying lately...over literally nothing. I made the mistake of watching Marley and Me the other night and I bawled for the last 20-25 minutes of the movie. Which, duh, probably would've on a good day. Sad, sad, ending...sweet, but sad. Yeah, that's all I'll say about that. But other times...I just cry. NOTHING sets it off. I can think of no trigger, just a huge emotional pain grips my chest and I just can't stop myself from crying. I HATE IT. I don't mind crying when there's a reason, but ugh, to cry for no reason that I can even think of just SUCKS.

Moody's presence has been just as strong. She's been throwing me some out there curveballs. Like jealousy. What. The. Fuck! Yeah, nothx, k...I am NOT a jealous person. I hate jealousy in all it's forms. It implies a lack of trust, which I DO NOT HAVE. Needless to say it's ridiculous, I KNOW it's ridiculous, but no....that doesn't matter to Moody. If I didn't trust in the strength of my relationship, I wouldn't be in it. And of course, does that matter to Moody? Of course not.

Bitchy has been my poor boyfriend's nemesis over the last week. Though I've had to kick her ass and stifle her...because I know she's taking cues from Moody and THAT is not going to work.

I'm actually looking forward to Crampy's arrival because Aunt Flo won't be that far behind. She'll be welcomed with as a guest of honor this month! I'll be that happy to see her. I have NEVER said that before. EVER.

Okay...getting some of that out has been cathartic. Hopefully the nurse will call sometime today or tommorrow. I'll distract myself. I need cupcakes. Strawberry cupcakes. I will make it so.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I went from watching...well let the embeds speak from themselves.

Disclaimer: Reading may cause brain implosion. Proceed with caution.

My luck with embedding is horrible. You can tell it more under my embed tag on Live Journal because everything I choose to share in my journal gets yoinked by The Powers that Be in favor of so called dingleberry copyright laws. I trust google video more than say...megavideo and YouTube. I don't know...but hopefully they keep.

100 Greatest Discoveries in Astronomy...brilliant show if you can get past Bill Nye. There's a lot of interesting people he is able to interview and discuss this stuff with. It's really very fascinating to me. All of it.

I went, anyway, from watching that, to watching this.

That's right. Penn and Teller's Bullsh!t. I actually like them a lot. I like the show they did before this one a lot better than this one...it was a show back in maybe the early part of this decade? I don't know...but sometimes this show is cathartic to watch also.

And now to end my rambling, watch my show so I can go to bed. Good night!

Icons: If you can't find them, make your own!

and Totally up for grabs. Steal, credit or no...I really don't care. In fact, if you want to steal them, and make them animated in a cool yet not too glittery way...maybe a small glowing/twinkling way...I would adore it if you would let me have them and I would totally credit you! I has no animating software anymore. I may redownload it...I don't know.

This has been my bliss lately. This show. It's called The Universe on History Channel...I love this show. Some of the things, especially the Hubble images, are just so breathtaking in scope and...I'm just fascinated by what new things astronomers are discovering and hypothesizing over every year. I'm loving the new theories and ideas that astrophysicists are coming out with.

So for those of you who know, and those who don't...I've been going through a bit of moody hellishness lately. I'm feeling a little more grounded now. I just really wanna find out what's been going on. The pharmacist today, when I went to ask him about Midol...if it would help the moods just a little...of course he said not to expect a miracle, and I'm like, "No, sir...I'm not. Just a little relief." Maybe it's psychosomatic, maybe it's not...but I feel a little more on level ground tonight. Thank God!

Anyway, going to watch more Universe on STC and just bliss out for awhile. *hugs* to everyone and bear with me.

By the way, Queen Veggie Eradicator. If you ever drop by LJ land, check my COC. *evil grin*

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A friend of mine posted this on LJ

...I IMMEDIATELY thought of you, girl!

Friday, March 27, 2009

OMG I hope I hope I hope!!!

Well I finally own the fourth Futurama movie. I made a journal a few months back. I'm thinking of starting it soon. God knows when/if I'll find the motivation to start the project, but I'm thinking more and more on it. It's called FuturamaFanatic. I'm going to watch and review all 4 seasons, including the movies (which count as season 5 I think)...and hope and pray they come out with a 6th season.

Out of all the movies, the first (Bender's Big Score) was probably my favorite, probably because I, along with every other diehard Futurama fan out there, was DYING to see/own it. The second movie (Beast with a Billion Backs)...was disappointing, but still, Futurama crap is still pretty decent. I loved Bender's Game (hated the ending though) and though I loved Into the Wild Green Yonder, I kind of thought the ending there was a bit of a gyp too. It felt rushed.

I may have to make my own layout for my Futurama journal because I don't think it should look generic. I don't know. I suck at layout making so we'll see. I'm also thinking of making one for Blogger and xposting if I can get the same name.

Speaking of TV shows I LOVE, I miss Meerkat Manor. Will Animal Planet ever air it again? I LOVE Meerkat Manor! If not, I may have to buy the seasons. I've watched every episode.

I also really like the show Escape to Chimp Eden. I'd like to see this show come back also.

I don't know why, but I can't seem to get as into Orangutan Island or Dark Days in Monkey City. Not that I haven't tried, but I'm just not that into it. I'm a damn weirdo.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tweets, twits or twats

A Twitter rant.

No offense to those who use/like it...but it has to be said. I FUCKING HATE TWITTER! Hate it with an all consuming, burning, flaming pile of hot, hot hate. I seriously think that the world is conspiring to kill all thought. 99.999% of Twitter posts are extremely pointless crap that no one cares to read. 99.1% of Tweets or Twats or whatever the hell it's called even the people who posts them don't care to read. What is the point? Because I don't give a rats ass, really. I don't even like to know what I do every few minutes of the goddamn day. Whoever came up with this needs to have their intestines ripped out of their bunghole, slit with razor blades, covered in salt and shoved right back up there.

I say we start Twatter.com. This site will only be used to inform our friends of our shits and nothing else. No “I am drinking coffee at McDonalds” or "My dog just did the cutest thing!" twatters, but rather “Hey, just took a really big dump. It's sticking out of the water” or "Twas awful squishy today. Maybe I shouldn't have had those beans."

It would be more interesting than the vast majortity of crap posted on Twitter. If I offended you, well, honestly can't say I give a shit. I'm allowed to bitch about it on my journal, and you're allowed to post em on yours.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Well, ended up quitting.

(Written March 22, 2009, ganked from my LJ)

Billie told me yesterday that my scheduled time was 2-10. She said, "I have the schedule right in front of me."

Well, my manager calls around noon and tells Scott that I'm supposed to be in at 11. 11-7. So basically, she deliberately lied to me. I walked in to work today, and I asked Mike if I was in danger of being fired. He said, "No, but I am going to write you up."

I thought about it all of 2 seconds before I said, "You know, I'll just save you the trouble. I quit. Goodbye." And I caught Scott before he was able to leave me behind. Why should I be wrote up when the market manager who had the schedule in front of her told me the wrong time on purpose, probably intending that I get wrote up!

If I'm working for someone that petty and immature, I seriously don't have to put up with it. I don't have to work. I have a chronic mental illness. I am on disability. I work part time sometimes to make a little extra money and to help out the company I'm working for. I am a loyal and trustworthy and hardworking person. I will not work for a company that hires people that deliberately lie to their employees to get them in trouble. I don't think she thought I'd quit, well she had another thing coming. You can't fire someone if they quit.

Good luck finding someone as good at the job as I was, willing to work all weekends. I prefer weekend work because most of the time I don't have my daughter on weekends. So really, its their loss, not mine.

I came within 2 inches of quitting my job tonight

(Written March 21, 2009, ganked from my LJ)

I made an arrangement with my manager and another coworker that I would not work tonight, I would work on Sunday because they had me scheduled me too many hours. Well Billie, the marketing manager, called me tonight, *twenty minutes* after my supposed scheduled shift and said, "You're scheduled to work today,". I called her back and told her that I had made an arrangement with Mike (my manager) and another coworker, blah blah blah.

She started yelling at me. Told me if I didn't make it in tonight, I was fired. We got into a huge argument, I told her I couldn't because I had no one to watch my daughter (it was a lie, but it's the principal of the thing, and her tone was pissing me off and besides, I had done the right thing! She told me it was my responsibility to check my schedule. I told her I DID, that's why I made that arrangement and I would try (another lie) but I did not think I could make it in. She threatened to fire me tonight, because I was "calling in". I then informed her I'm NOT calling in, I thought the arrangement was a go so technically, NO, I'm not calling in.

The phone conversation ended with me bawling (I was crying, I was that pissed off.) About two seconds before I was going to pick up the phone to call her back and tell her I quit, she called me back, said "she thought about what I said" and ended up Donna was coming in to work for me but I had to come work for her tommorrow. I told her "that's what I was going to do *anyway*". She apologized, but I told her "thank you, but right now I'm not ready to accept it." And I'm not. I DO NOT appreciate being yelled at and threatened by someone who is supposed to be a professional.

So I'm calling in on Monday, my birthday, and I'm talking to HER boss to register a formal complaint. You can do it anonymously, but I'm NOT going to do it that way. I'm giving my name, and telling whoever it is that I WANT her to know it's me registering the complaint and also for her to feel free to talk to me about it if she feels she can be an adult and we will work it out like adults. I'm also letting her boss know that I'm going to him/her because at this time, I don't feel safe talking to her about it. Plus she deserves it. If anyone EVER talks to me the way she did today, I will quit on the spot. I'm also letting her boss know that I do have a chronic mental illness, furthermore Billie KNOWS I have a chronic mental illness and you do not yell at and threaten someone who is in a precarious mental state, especially if you have full knowledge of that fact.

I may just be a peon, and she may think she's big shit because she's the new marketing manager, but I am still a human being and I would NEVER talk to anyone the way she talked to me today. She needs to learn that just because she's a big cheese, she still needs to show decorum and respect for the people under her. If that's the type of person I'm going to have to work for, I'm not too sure I will be working there much longer.

Intro post

I'm on here mainly because of my friend who hopped over here from LJ. So really, I've never had a regular blogger journal before...but I may try and keep this one up and active. Blah blah blah, more intro stuff.

Hi. My name is Jami. Today is my 30th birthday. I have a boyfriend, Scott, whom I've been with for over 51/2 years. We live together with my 6 year old daughter. I consider myself a gnostic Christian, and am very interested in Novus Spiritus.

My main hobbies are I like to write poetry, I love to play The Sims 2, playing with my daughter, and spending quality time with friends and family. I am currently on disability for a chronic mental illness and if you have an issue with that you STFU and go away please.

I do comment some...but I don't always comment if I don't have something to say. I do always read. There are times when I update 10 times a day, and sometimes once every couple of days. At times, I feel very antisocial. Every thought I have typically goes into my journals. I am brash, unapologetic and offensive. In my journal. I always show my friends, and their journals, the same respect I expect in mine. However, if you make me think too much, I will write about it in my journal. If I agree, typically I'll link or mention you by name. If I do not, I'll do you the courtesy of not linking you, but I WILL talk about it. I have friends of all sorts, liberals and conservatives, Christians and pagans. Pro life and pro choice. I am capable of showing respect for every viewpoint, even if I disagree with it.

I am borderline obsessed with the TV show Futurama. I have all 4 box sets AND Bender's Big Score, Beast with a Billion Backs and Bender's Game. I'm going to be buying Into the Wild Green Yonder soon and will probably buy anything else that comes out.

The only things I will not tolerate in a friend is homophobia, racism, and pedophilia or those who knowingly live with/have their children near pedophiles. Every one of those kind of people make me want to puke. I'd sad I even have to add that last part. Yes, I have met 2 woman, one online and one offline who did exactly that. Having been a victim of sexual abuse, I think any woman who knowingly puts their child at risk of it needs to have razor blades dipped in salt and shoved up her ass.

So yeah. That's me in a nutshell.