Thursday, June 4, 2009

I fucking knew something like this would happen

My cousin is going back to prison.

Because his mother is a raging cunt who needs to go into a dark corner and die somewhere.

She called the police and lied to them and had him arrested. He wasn't getting his disability money fast enough for her and she was tired of taking care of him.

If I ever see that fucking gaping slutwad anywhere on the street, she may as well call the hospital in advance and book her a room because I am going to pound the everliving shit out of her. She'll wish she was dead by the time I'm done.

My poor little buddy. God, it kills me that there is nothing I can do. I'm bawling. I hate very few people, but I hate that old baseball glove looking vagina face.

I'd LIKE the fucking whorebag to read this. I'd like nothing more than for her to say a. fucking. word. to me. She's not a mother. She's never been a mother. She's ALWAYS used those kids. First to get back at my uncle after the divorce, and now she's just using him because he brings in money for her.

She's a waste of space, a completely and totally useless human being. Karma is a bitch though, and she will get hers. She will want to have a relationship with her son one of these days and if he's smart, he'll turn his back and walk away and let her live in the filth that is her life.


  1. Oh man, that's awful. What is wrong with the woman? Well, I think you actually answered that already. But what the hell did she say your cousin DID to get him arrested? What a douchette the woman sounds.

  2. Not. a. goddamn. thing. He played golf with his brother and the girl who we went to jail about's family member was there and played with them, and his brother diden't even think about it. AAAAnd it was his mother's fault that he was with his brother b/c she didn't want to get off her lazy ass to go take him to the parole officer. She's a fucking useless cuntrag.
