Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Only the Germans could actually name this feeling
I can't really say I feel sorry for the guy, even if he is bipolar because he's could get help for himself if he wanted to. Most people can't do that. There are people who would like to get help and can't because they can't afford it. So no, I don't feel AT ALL bad for him.
He's not that fucking talented. He plays...himself on TV. If I was making fucking 2 million dollars an episode on a hit TV show for just being myself...and I made a complete ass of myself, AGAIN...I'd want to keep that kush job. I'd be in rehab right now and licking so much bunghole when I came out, my mouth would taste like shit for a month. Can you imagine an easier job, seriously? Fuck, he doesn't even have to have another name on the show. He plays himself with his same name. Oh, that's superb acting!
And I call bullshit on the "negative" drug test. I can go buy fake pee at Karma right now and pass a drug screen. I'm sure no one actually watched him piss in a cup.
I guess there are women who will put themselves in physical danger to be with him because he's rich and he's Charlie Sheen. Oh, never mind all the women he's beaten the holy shit out of. He's got two, yes, TWO women fucking him right now. What the holy eff? He may actually kill someone one of these days. Not that he'll serve any time for it. He is Charlie Sheen, in his own mind, king of the universe with billions of fans. Yes, he said billions. Even though there are 7 billion people on this planet and I'm pretty fucking sure 6 billion are completely unaware that he exists. You are famous in America, douchebag. The rest of the world doesn't give a shit about you.
If any self respecting judge gives this guy custody of those two babies, I hope that judge dies in a slow fire. I'd be glad to strike the match.
Even though I like the show, I hope it ends. I hope he spends all his money on hookers and coke and lawsuits.
I want to see this walking asshole on legs crash and burn Lindsay Lohan style.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
You know what?
If we are electing idiots like Bobby Franklin into anything with more public responsibility than garbage collector, then I actually fucking HOPE the world ends in 2012. If humanity can't do any better than it is doing, I hope we blow ourselves apart.
Are you fucking kidding me? This person is an elected official. I have to call my friend, from Georgia, and ask him "What the actual fuck are you guys THINKING down there?"
For fuck's sake, like it's not difficult enough for a woman to go through a miscarriage. All I know, is that if this fuckery actually passes, if you're pregnant and living in Georgia, I suggest you run, don't walk to your car and drive the fuck out of that state...and pray to God you don't miscarry on the way to a state without insane people as elected officials.
Friday, February 18, 2011
So good news on the girly part front (TMI, clearly labled TMI)
So I get to go see a gynecologist, to see why in the hell I'm bleeding 3x in a month and a half. On March 15th at 2:30. I'm probably waiting, because I specifically asked for a female doctor. I've never had a guy give me a full exam (except when I first went into labor, one of the men was on duty, but as I was having strong contractions every 3 minutes, I would've let Charles Manson give me an exam as long as he had the power of Epidural).
So...for the first time in my life, I'm actually looking forward to having an exam (and maybe a pap) to see why the hell my uterus hates me sooo much?
Is it too much to ask
Otherwise, you will never be asked to sing the national anthem in public ever again. Ask Roseanne Barr. least Roseanne knew the fucking words. She may have sucked out loud, but she knew the words and in what order they come in.